African American Holiday Calendar. We celebrate black history month to honor the long. Juneteenth, as the day is known, commemorates the end of slavery in the united states.
President biden signed a law thursday making june 19 a federal holiday. This secular holiday takes place.
View The Shades Of Color African American Calendars And Planners Collection!
On june 17, 2021, it officially became a federal holiday.
Black Independence Day, Emancipation Day, Jubilee Day, Juneteenth Independence Day, Juneteenth National Independence.
Juneteenth, as the day is known, commemorates the end of slavery in the united states.
2024 Wall Calendars / Weekly Planners &Amp; African American Holiday Cards.
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And This Has Been The Case Since The Country’s.
Holiday resource list & calendar hereos /sheroes print art pledges for mother’s/ father’s day, christmas, million man/million woman, nguzo saba, black love day, etc,.
We Celebrate Black History Month To Honor The Long.
Black independence day, emancipation day, jubilee day, juneteenth independence day, juneteenth national independence.
Black History Month, Also Known As African American History Month, Begins On February 1St And Lasts Throughout The Month.